Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sullivan's Travels

I added this to the netflix queue because I caught a bit of LA Confidential on TV not too long ago. I had seen This Gun for Hire years ago and wanted to remind myself just what all the Veronica Lake hullabaloo was all about.
This moobie is about a Hollywood director bent on making deep meaningful allegorical moobies. Having lived a life of privilege he embarks upon a journey to understand the lower class struggles. He meets a girl and they end up on the journey together.
It's a good film! I liked where the journey took him and I liked where that took me. Veronica Lake was gorgeous and charming and adorable and approachable and really tiny. It's a shame we don't have more of her films in the canon of classics. It was directed by Preston Sturges (I know he has his own following) and it also stars Joel McCrea, a big name in Westerns. If you're in the mood for a fun old black and white picture, this one would do you just fine.