Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Taking of Pelham 123

I like Travolta, I like Denzel. I like New York, I like the subway. The MTA let Tony Scott actually shoot down in the subways. It made for a grittier, more realistic look that's for sure. The moobie had a lot of potential. The set-up was good, the chemistry between the two main characters was palatable. Travolta gave it his all - doing his best to be a badass, but he's too jovial to pull it off completely. Denzel did his best to be an average guy, but he's too cool to pull that off completely too. And the end, after all of Tony Scott's crazy camera work and, the end just didn't live up to the story's crescendo of action Tony led us though for an hour and a half.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The 39 Steps

I'm a big Hitchcock fan. And in the spirit of full disclosure, G and I saw the Broadway play based on this Hitch moobie. We loved it so much we had to Netflix the DBD.
Hitchcock's filmography can be broken down into three broad phases: English silent moobies, English sound moobies and his Hollywood era. The Hollywood era being the longest and containing his most famous films. The 39 Steps was one of his English sound films.
Made in 1935, it's the story of an ordinary man thrown into extraordinary circumstances. At a vaudeville show, he crosses paths with a spy. She asks for his help, he finds her dead in the morning. Now on the run, he has to save himself and stop group of spies from stealing top-secret information.
It's a lot of fun. Especially after seeing the play. I recommend both.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Namesake

I had thought Mira Nair's film would be focused more specifically about a man's identity crisis. But it's about his entire story from beginning to modern day. How his parents met, how he was first born, how he grew up and THEN about his identity crisis.
No real new territory here. It's about Indian roots, we've seen moobies about Indian culture. I think the only cinematic revelation is the fact that Indian women can be selfish bitches too.
It was alright.