Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Misfits

Marilyn's last film she completed. Clark Gable's last film too. Marilyn was such a wreck on set - late, forgetting her lines, unstable behavior (her marriage to Arthur Miller was coming to its end) - Gable hated working with her. He's quoted as saying, "I'm glad this picture's finished. She damn near gave me a heart attack." Gable died 10 days after filming wrapped.
The moobie centers around a group of people who have very little in common but end up together as a group of friends. Marilyn's Roslyn falls for Gable as a cowboy named Gay (short for Gaylord, no less - interesting how the English language evolves). Together with an older landlady Isabelle and mechanic Guido they meet up with another cowboy Perce. To make some money, the men go out "Mustanging," wrangling horses to sell for slaughter.
The first half of the moobie was actually pretty boring. It seemingly lacked focus and pacing. But the second half is absolutely compelling. Unfortunately, without the first half, the second half would make no sense. If the beginning were better, this one would be a classic.

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